Sunday, November 9, 2008

mormons and prop 8...

I just realized if you take the middle "m" out of Mormon you get moron. From this day forward I'm going call members of the LDS church Morons...

Spending a ridiculous of amount of money to pass Prop 8 is reprehensible. Why deny couples of the same sex the right to be married? In this day and age and I'm not sure this figure is totally accurate- first time marriages in California have a 60% divorce rate. Apparently, California doesn't calculate divorce rates.

I say, let gay couples marry. It should be their choice to enter into a union that has a high failure rate.

I just read an article in the Comicle calling to boycott skiing in Utah and the Sundance Film Festival. I don't ski, although I'm gone to Sundance for 11 straight years and I was planning on attending for the 12th year in a row. Now, I have to think twice about setting foot in a red state that obviously voted for McCain and funneled tens of millions of dollars to back Prop 8.

The Morons are morons to potentially harm their tourist industry...

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