Saturday, September 11, 2010

the tillman story...

I finally got a chance to view the doc about Pat Tillman and I was impressed...

I learned friendly fire is also called fratricide.

But think about, how could fire be friendly when one is killed by it? It's not friendly, it may have been accidental, but certainly not friendly. The word fratricide makes more sense to me...

Dannie Tillman, Pat's mother really put tremendous effort into finding out what really happened to her son in Afghanistan. She's one hell of a mother! To this day, there are still too many questions to be answered...

I have grown to respect Pat Tillman Sr.. I wasn't sold on the guy before I viewed the doc, but now I have more of an understanding why he reacted to his son's death in such a manner...

I'm glad John McCain wasn't featured in the doc. When I watched Tillman's memorial in San Jose @ my sis' house in Almaden in 2004, I questioned why was he there?

One thing I noticed when Arizona State University retired Tillman's #42 @ Sun Devil Stadium, one of the ASU's cheerleaders had a pot belly. Something crazy to remember in a serious doc, but nonetheless something that stood out in my mind...

Great doc and I highly recommend it...

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