Saturday, February 7, 2009

getting deleted as a friend on facebook...

My first removal was two weeks ago. She was one of those quasi friends on yelp. We exchanged many e-mails in a 15 month period.

Up until about two weeks ago, we never met in person.

She had wanted to meet on several occasions- each time, she either flaked on me or something came up...

Actually, I got so pissed off getting flaked on, that I deleted her as a quasi friend on yelp. She never noticed, because she has so many friends on that site.

For some reason, we became facebook friends in January? In almost every case with my small array of friends, I have known them in the past or I had just met them in person. She requested the friendship and I accepted...

Let's cut to Friday, January 23rd. Me and a buddy stopped into Waterbar and I noticed that a Bulgarian dude with horrible teeth who I knew from his trencherman ability @ Kokkari and Globe was sitting alone @ a table. I was aware he was dating the above mentioned person. I asked him if she was with him. He said, she was in the powder room.

This would give me the opportunity to finally meet this person...

Me and my friend were talking to the front desk person and she emerges from the bathroom. I introduce myself and she basically gives me the cold shoulder. It was one of the most uncomfortable meetings I've ever encountered in all my years...

In an e-mail, I mentioned our awkward meeting and she apologized and said she didn't feel like talking with anyone, except her date.

I wrote her back via my iPhone and basically said that I wasn't surprised by her snub. And the next day, she deleted me...

C'est la vie... This was a situation where the only direction it could have gone is downhill...

That's her in the above picture...

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