Saturday, April 4, 2009

angie harmon is fucking nuts...

The chick who was on "Law and Order" and is married to Jason Sehorn former cornerback from USC who played the majority of his career with the New York Giants.

She's very pretty in person. I saw her several years ago in Tahoe, the wench nearly threw a frozen drink @ me by mistake. Come to think about it, why was she littering? Is that the republican way?

Harmon is a Bush, McCain, and Palin supporter- what more do I need to say...

Actually here's a doozy and I fucking can't believe she said that? Harmon said and I quote, "I think one of the greatest things about the Republican Party is the understanding, we don't point fingers and we have class..." Harmon is as dumb as that crazy young chick on "The View." who's married to a shitty quarterback...

Did she hear any of those Palin speeches where the Wasilla Hillbilly accused Barack Obama of being a terrorist? Yes, the governor from Alaska just oozes class...

Angie Harmon is the perfect example of a dumb actress who should keep her fucking mouth shut...

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