Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a cable car conductor without a clue...

I like most of the operators on the California line. This particular old white fuck really pissed me off this evening. BTW, he kind of looks like S. Claus...

I entered the cable car on California and Sansome. As I walked into the car I showed the conductor my MUNI pass.

Two or three stops later, the idiot knocks on the window next to where I was sitting and rudely asks me for my pass. He could have been more appropriate by opening the door of the cable car walking inside the car and asking me for my fare, but he disrespected me by banging on the glass demanding my pass.

I fucking showed him my pass as I walked onto the cable car. What a moron!

Anyway, @ least six people get onto the cable car after this incident and the dumb shit doesn't ask them for a fare.

When I exited the cable car on California and Pine, I had to give the dumb fuck my two cents. I said I was going to write a complaint about him...

Fuck it! It's a waste of time...

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