Monday, August 3, 2009

married women...

Last month, I met a couple married women from the left coast. I won't be specific what state they're from. I will say it ain't New York...

It was a beautiful afternoon in the City and I stopped by one of my favorite wine bars to have a few beers. Go figure, I go to a wine bar for beers...

Anyway, I stood @ the bar minding my own business and two married women started to engage in idol chit chat with yours truly. I was pleasant and seeing that they had wedding rings on, I didn't even think about that thought. You know what that thought is? The thought is whether I could get laid or not...

One of the ladies had a joint and asked me where a good place to light up is. I don't smoke weed, but I said I'd stand watch for them. What a gentleman I am...

The two married ladies lit up a joint in area where a Clint Eastwood/Dirty Harry scene was once shot.

For some reason, I asked these women something to the effect, if they were happy in their marriage, was it difficult to be married so long, and how easy is it being monogamous?

Their response surprised me...

I'm not going to get into specifics, because one of these married woman has become a friend of mine...

I will say that when married women are traveling out of their area code without their husbands- nearly anything can happen...

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