Tuesday, July 20, 2010

joan rivers tweets about lindsay lohan...

By the way, go see her doc A PIECE OF WORK...

Joan's tweet, "I was just reading about the new Lindsay Lohan diet, which is all liquid, 80 Proof."

Here's another, "Lindsay Lohan said she wouldn't mind being under oath because she thought Oath was a Norwegian ski instructor."

And one more, "Lindsay Lohan is so dumb. Her idea of being sworn in is cursing at the judge."

It really is sad that the young actress who was so good as a child actress in the remake of THE PARENT TRAP has become basically a hot mess...

Before Lohan turned 21, I was disappointed that so many club owners would allow her to drink and party in their establishments illegally. They were just enabling her to become the addict that she is now...

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