Thursday, August 5, 2010

overturning of prop 8...

I'm happy that the proposition banning same-sex marriages in the state in which I reside has been overturned... This happened in a San Francisco courtroom on Wednesday.

We all know that marriage is a crap shoot and there's a good chance that it will fail...
That's one reason I support gay marriages. Give all couples who want to get married, the chance to be successful or the chance to fail...

I must really give props to Chief U.S District Judge Vaughn Walker for overturning Proposition 8. Walker is quoted as saying, "Prop 8 continued the long history of discrimination against gays and lesbians." And Walker ruled that Prop 8 was based on "moral disapproval."

But, the fight isn't over yet... Walker has issued a temporary stay on Prop 8 during the appeals process to decide whether to he wants to suspend his ruling. Meaning gays and lesbians can't run down to City Hall and get married today. Hopefully, they will able to sooner than later...

First the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco and then to the Supreme Court.

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