Thursday, June 4, 2009

an ex-trainer @ my gym...

Another blind post...

She thought she was better than she really is. Hypothetically, if you bought her for what she's worth and sold her for what she thinks she's worth, you'd make a ton of money.

What I didn't like about her was she was a type of person who made promises that she couldn't keep. I fucking hate people like that! Specific examples- I'm making such and such and I'll bring some in for you or I'll bring some coffee in for you. Obviously, I didn't get jack shit...

This town is so small that I heard she picked up a random man @ a restaurant/bar that I frequent in the afternoon and later in the evening took him home...

For some crazy reason, I happened to meet this particular guy one afternoon @ the same restaurant/bar and her name came up out of the blue? Wow!

Rumor has it that she slept with two younger men who I personally know. And the way her mind works, she made each young man think the other guy was the pursuer. Basically saying that the other guy was bothering her. Unfuckingreal...

Who is she? It fucking doesn't matter, since she's long gone...

Did I sleep with her? No. Did I want to? Maybe for a New York minute, but after I realized what her character was all about, I cut off contact with her...

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